Vertical Photo Bank
Vertical Coverage
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Oblique Coverage
Aerial Photo Prices
Custom Aerial Photos
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San Diego County
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Copyright 2004
Lenska Aerial Images

  • Special vertical or oblique photo flights flown to your requirements.
  • Each assignment is evaluated, discussed, in terms of objectives, and end use.
  • Small areas or properties requiring angled views should be shot from helicopters.
  • Large areas and properties should be shot from airplanes
  • Customers receive 8 to 15 different views from various angles and/or altitudes.
  • All images shot digitally - all main file formats available

Custom Aerial Photography users: Commercial Real Estate, Real Estate Developers, Construction, Environmental/Civil Engineering, City/County/Municipalities, Residential Real Estate, Home owners.

  CA: 1-800-300-2759 or 858-453-1585
Fax 858-453-7884