Aerial Photo Services
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Digital Photo Services
San Diego County
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Copyright 2004
Lenska Aerial Images

  • All stock photos are available in digitized form.
  • All current vertical photos are available in digitized form, ortho-rectified, and ready for most GIS applications, and AutoCad.
  • Digital mosaics, computer created overlays.
  • Superimposing of buildings, shopping centers, etc... (see example below )
  • High resolution scans of slides, negs, photos.
  • Presentation slides from Powerpoint files, film recording to negative and slide.
  • Image manipulation, digital retouching, digital inkjet posters, photo business cards.
  • Batch scanning for Internet uploads.
  • Website creation.
Below we added a shopping center to the cleared out property in the top center of the photo.

Aerial Before

Aerial After

Our digital imaging department offers a wide range of digital services with very short turn-around times.
 CA: 1-800-300-2759 or 858-453-1585
Fax 858-453-7884