Aerial Photo Services
Vertical Photo Bank
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Oblique Photo Bank
Oblique Coverage
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San Diego County
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Copyright 2004
Lenska Aerial Images

  • 40,000+ color images in our library
  • Continually updated thoughout the year
  • Shot with medium format cameras for quality enlargements from 8x10 to 40x60
  • Economical, fast service, call for date and availability, fax us your map copy
  • No charge for library searches
  • FAX-PROOF SERVICE available
Palomar Airport, Carlsbad, CA

Oblique aerial stock photos were shot on medium format negatives at various altitudes and angles, from helicopters and fixed wing aircraft.

  CA: 1-800-300-2759 or 858-453-1585
Fax 858-453-7884