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Copyright 2004
Lenska Aerial Images

Open House at Lenska Aerial Images
Wednesday, August 4, 2004

Come celebrate 15 years of Lenska Aerial Images at our offices in Miramar.
We'll present the new 2004 PhotoMapper, as well as our new GIS capabilities.
BBQ and beverages will be served. Starts at 11 am until 3 pm.
Everyone welcome!

2004 Coverage is here
Shot in March and April 0f 2004

Hot from the scanner: Our 2004 Aerial Photo Coverage of San Diego County
is here. Yes, its the entire county again, over 5,000 square miles of great high res photography. And it comes with PhotoMapper, the proven AirPhoto USA viewer, GIS-ready for any task, small or large!

Some of the great PhotoMapper features are:

* Real-time pan and zoom viewing control.
* Instant clip and paste feature
* Displays real world coordinate in any supported projection.
* Exports geo-referenced tiff and jpg images in any supported projection.
* Export up to a 200 megabyte image.
* Image export size up to 2 gigabyts with approval
* Includes MapHandler technology for GIS
* Complete Annotation Supported (Lines, Poly Lines, Regions, Fill Patterns).
* Place Text with various graphic options.
* Store and place user defined bitmap graphic Symbols.
* Dynamic Data Base Display
* User Defined Location Search Engine
* Auto Label Functionality
* Image shift tool for “instant” aerial / vector data visual alignment.
* Hot Link any image file and URL to symbols or text on the Image
* Browse GIS database attributes.
* Import DXF, MIF and SHP files as a layer in current .MAP file.
* Create Custom Annotated Print from 0.8” to 80’

Order PhotoMapper now and we include installation and training!
Call 1-800-300-2759 for pricing.